RE:Vulture wrote: 'I think you are on the wrong board, .....Hey, leave me out of your tea-party (although a discussion about Sheer panties could be very entertaining). I have no argument with anything you said about Butts, but it’s relevant to the whole country. It’s very possible he has a big holding in HED, and shorting individual stocks as well. An investigation into potential insider trading would be wholly appropriate! Maybe he’s buds with Kushner! Sounds like the same playbook.
But that’s not VET in particular, and less so because we have no heavy oil, no pipelines, and a big chunk of operations outside the borders where other factors play a huge part. US policies are just as relevant, as are Brexit, EC issues, and Euro risks (which get very little discussion here).
CanSiamCyp wrote: .... What does Trudeau or even Sheer have to do with VET ?'
Well Vulture - consider the following:
I have a huge suspicion regarding Turdo's butt buddy Gerald Butts. Son of a Nova Scotia coal miner - one of many siblings in the family - a university friend of Justin Trudeau - very cunning and worked for Wynne in Ontario and Trudeau federally. Was sacrificed as a scapegoat in the Jody Wilson-Rayboult SNC-Lavalin scandal. Now he's back to advise Sockboy on campaign backroom strategies.
According to several sources, Butts has amassed more wealth than Trudeau has - and Turdo had/has the family trust fund and other family wealth to draw on. WTF?!? I would not be surprised to find that Butts used his inside political info and influence to make wealth building investment decisions. For example, he was instrumental in convincing Sockboy to implement policies that led to the elimination of the TRP pipeline to the East coast and the ENB pipeline to the West coast. So one could short the relevant stocks (TRP, ENB, VET, CPG, etc., etc.) then announce the actions to kill the pipelines. Presto! Like the TV show entitled 'Who wants to be a millionaire?'.
But hey that's just me speculating how a son from the large family of a poor NS coal miner is now wealthier than the elite born-with-a-silver-spoon-in-his-mouth scion of the Trudeau clan! LOL!
I sincerely hope that the Jason Kenney initiative to trace funding for Canadian eco-terrorists will include Gerald Butts. It is a matter of public record that Butts did a brief stint as Director at the WWF and he received a $500k golden handshake for that job. Even that doesn't explain his current multi-millionaire status!
Regardless - Butts is an enemy of the Canadian oil and pipeline sectors!
Still think that we are on the wrong board, Vulture? If so, go and have a tea party with Ogopogo and Sadie. And remember - no Lie-beral "grab a$$" or "skin colouring" activities at your tea party - okay?