RE:Basher FatigueMy initial posts were actually positive, and hopeful.
I posted a valuation, and potential price of .8-1.0.
Thats a 10 bagger.
Some might say I was euphoric.
I did indicate that was based on the MJ mania, and it would need to post profit to justify the other ranges.
The problem is mouse, there has little to be positive about, after that initial run.
The only positive news I read is the false promotional posts that you and niet post.
To the contrary, we know why the two of you are here.
That should be a warning to newbies, if they read your posts.
If someone read and followed your advice, they would be down over 80% from when you clearly recommended that people buy more shares to support the stock.
After the stock hit .94, I did a post "The clock has no hands"-which provided reason to sell, as nothing fundamentally had happened to justify the price.
Reno posted as well about the reasons to sell all the way down.
Of course there were many who said this without reason, but a few of us have provided rationale and reason.
So you could have made a tidy profit being in the stock, and trading it.
So the pest, and need for spray is in the eye of the beholder.
Now a mouse in the house is in my view the one in need of a trap, although a spray would work, it is less humane.
One could argue, a less humane trap would be justified for a promoter that would have people buy in at the peak and all the way down, and wont even advise his average price.
But, I wouldnt, I would just catch and release.