RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Sad day for CDN workers....That pipeline is also shared, and brings refined products and sweet oil down for local use, some piped down to Cherry Point as well. “Tidewater” capacity is very limited.
Moemoney42 wrote: "Already have a pipeline to tidewater."
Yes and if you'd come out of your 5 car garage you'd notice it was already full. And this new line would allow our energy industry to expand with global pricing which would enable Canada to be in an extremely better financial condition. That way maybe the Lieberals would actually balance the books like they stated when the were elected and promised to do by 2019..!!
By the way the tide goes in and out everyday and at no time is the sea level 2 meters higher than the day or week or month or year before.. aside from the odd hurricane that passes through but once its passed the sea level goes back to normal..!!
But you don't want to deal with facts do you..!! Actually with the hate you have for Albertans and the oil industry why are you even posting here..?? Do you even own shares in VET..? And if so why..? Are you another one of those hypocrites..?
Moe $$