RE:RE:Let’s Go DrillingWell, I like this but the financials don't lie. The company had 2.38K current assets and 2.22K current liabilities as of MAY 31 2019. So the company had $16,000 cash give to take to play with. That was 4 months ago. Assuming say... 30K a month operating expense the company would be in debt over 100K. So granted the company raised 450K it's probably not all going for drilling. The first thing to be paid is debts. After all, no company = no drilling. Also, the company will reserve some cash for keeping the doors open, say another 3 months supply or 100K. That leaves 250K to go drilling.
It's a start! But that's all. The historic news for this company will show that money has been an issue.
My opinion, the company is for all intents and purposes broke. If they can fill the rest of the financing they have a shot at delivering some strong results.
I am still wondering why exactly HUD BAY walked away? The news was not clear as to the details of termination.
Cf1mill wrote: It's a good start. From the last comment by Farshad
Sept. 9/19
"We have one very prominent and ample potential. TSX.V: DBV . Plan is to drill the longest hole into the deposit. Watch for the news releases which are coming soon Doubleview Capital Corp. "
That previous comment was said 2 weeks ago. Now he has followed through on financing. Is everything there is progress and
I try to look at what management SAYS and what they are DOING instead of just listening to some bashers on SH who just nitpick because they want your shares.
At the end it's up to you but so far so good.