RE:Highly advise this video Sure. Have some minor quibbles so far, but it beats the infomercial. I’m watching it.
Biggest question is the speed of the changes. Comparing a single situation thousands (or more) of years ago doesn’t compare the rate of change to get there vs the rate of change since the industrial revolution. Sahara used to be green and lush, way back when. How long did it take to change?
If Attenborough is correct (and I think he is) it behooves us to prepare and, if possible, modify the climate changes coming.
Moemoney42 wrote: posted August 29, 2019 09:13 am
I would suggest Sadie222 you take 23 minutes out of your life to view this youtube video.. might enlighten you..??
Couldn't find the one I was looking for but this one is worth seeing.
Moe $$