RE:Holy sh@t 3.38 oz's & 8.71 oz;s p/t GOLD The Discovery vein is a narrow, up to 30 cm wide, quartz carbonate vein that occurs on a small knoll surrounded by swampy marsh. The vein is hosted by andesitic tuffs and can be traced for 30 m.
The assay results show that best values occur on the Discovery vein where assays of up to 8.710 opt Au, 33.97 opt Ag, 20.02% Pb, 20.68% Zn along with 0.28% Cu were located in a 15 cm sample of quartz vein. Grades throughout the vein are highly variable.
The B vein is a mineralized fissure vein that has been exposed for 75 m with widths of up to 30 cm. Samples of the B vein are weakly gold anomalous assaying up to 0.087 opt Au across 15 em, however, Cu, Pb and Zn values are all less than 1% while the highest silver values is 16.8 ppm.
Results of samples taken from the andesitic agglomerate hosted mineralized shear zone were non anomalous for gold and silver, while Cu, Pb and Zn were in general weakly anomalous <1% with maximum values of 1.37% Cu, 0.37% Pb and 4.56% Zn. Elsewhere on the property, no significant zones of mineralization have been located.
If further work is to be completed on the McBride property, it should consist of the along strike, trenching, mapping and sampling of the B and Discovery veins to determine whether the veins swell along strike.