RE:Modular Construction – The Perfect FitforAffordable HousingOH ya they have worked in the U.S....nothing to see here it's only at HARVARD ... not to mention A&W restaurants, schools, dorms, hospitals The Harvard University Pagliuca Life Lab, designed by Shepley Bulfinch, is a state-of-the-art facility offering students, faculty and alumni the vital resources needed for life science-related ventures. The upper-level wet lab areas have 30 lab benches, tissue culture rooms, freezer, fume hoods and cold room. Below, the beautifully appointed space is a flexible open concept, designed to nurture teamwork, including write-up lab areas, lounge spaces, meeting rooms, a walk-through kitchen and even a 21st-century version of a “phone booth” for quiet conversations. The extensive use of glazed partition walls on both floors, with the large ornamental staircase space and two-story mural further fosters team connectivity both physically and visually.