RE:RE:RE:Anyone home?I apologize if last post came off as facetious.
My point to hyperbole was paying off the lender for the Turkish build out so... knock that .75 per share down a notch. P/e kinda hopeless these days with o&g stocks,no?
out of K and keep an option? Good. Too crooked there anyway (as if Turkey any better).
The big if here is if someone is posturing or elbowing in in K or if the deal is real.
even the deposit payed could be a bargaining chip.
All that said, the field in Turkey needs work.get rid of the lender and pay for the folks that have dealt with the completion/optimization for years.
This is not a new thing there,and to me,cpi does not yet have the talent.
P.s.- note how long tao(tag) took to close their deal in NZ. Nice bump today but where are they at in the scheme of things if you owned that forever...?
Stay safe (and read between the lines of next md&a
Shout out to the my favorite American....hope you got some..