Please stopBuying this pipe dream. Every single nr that comes out lacks the detail needed to make it actually real. Read them carefully. How many of the deals have happened or come to fruition? How do you promise flower when your not even licensed in your big facility? This company is so far behind everyone else it is doubtful they will catch up.If you keep putting your money in please make sure it is money you can just throw away or that can be dead for at least a year.
I know that regulators have been told to look into the DOCC - SOW - AGRA deal. No way you can just give yourself 40 mill in that financing sh*t show.
Everyone knows the problems the big guys are having growing on an industrial scale. AGRA hasnt even hit that headwind becasue they still are not licensed. The massive dilution is a huge problem and will for sure cap the share price. The last nr shows they need cash to keep operating. Money is going to be harder and harder to obtain so they really have to start making it instead of having shareholders pay the bills. The market is past giving out free money for this purpose it expects companies to make money and pay for it themselves.
I could go on and tear this company apart nr by nr but I wont. Please just dont look at this company through rose coloured glasses but a microscope. This is YOUR money your betting with, choose wisely. Just becasue a companies share price is low DOES NOT mean it is cheap. Careful out there and good luck.
Full disclosure held this for 5 years sold out up 400% when DOCC started missing payments. Watch the sh*t show ever since. Will never buy it again due to the crappy lack of detail deals they are making which I believe most will not happen.