tsx30 still?!!? & thx to BDAZ....sigh.... 2 part post- 1 a general unhappy rant, the other, special thanks to bear...
probably should start w/ the good stuff
i dont think this board did quite enuf to thank those that have contributed the most. Special shout out to BearDownAz for all your contributions.. you've truly been an asset to this retail hack/investor. i think i've learned more from you than the company! shame that i had to get more intel from public boards! .i'm looking forward to hearing your throughts on this debacle....and that BKC fellow too, he wrote a fair bit about it, not frequently tho..maybe u guys have some inside track w/ IR and the co to get some deets for the rest of us scrubs. truly remarkable how much intel you've generously shared with us laypeople....
WTF........not a happy camper this morning....been a nerve wracking weekend, right into last night watching hepalink tumble, i think thats when it hit me...shoulda coulda woulda...now confirmed this morning...i really should stay away from individual stocks and stick w/ mutuals or ETFs...
are we still gonna be on the tsx 30 list now? what a joke that turns out to have been? how can they put out this INVESTMENT list and a couple days later 1 of the companies dives? what a list too...some actual real companies on this list....and us. toxic investment at this point. who would put new money into this now, with so little info? which....:
fkcu the academic embargo DM, u owe us more! we've kept u afloat after too many debacles..this whole trial is a debacle at this point. complete failure. missed MULTIPLE deadlines, underestimated costs, massive dilution to this point, and we get fukcin crumbs?! .all we get is a measley 5 min conf call? NO BONES to mitigate this DISASTER. no freakin bones? we're supposed to read between the lines u clown?!?! so my interests as a BAGHOLDER have to take 2nd fiddle to some unwriteen academic BS "rule" cause u want to present some data at a conference? u dont want to try to salvage the shareprice? u know, people have always said what a wonderful co this was cause they're so science focused, they don't pump the SP....maybe u should start to manage the fcuking shareprice for a change! more dribs and drabs of info, hurry up and wait blah blah blah...cryptic BS again....
nice that some of u are apparently buying... no way in hell i can go home and tell the wife this wonderbread looks like it FAILED and oh guess what, i BOUGHT MORE!?!? i bought more last week and boy am i KICKING myself now...i was greedy.....good luck to u nonetheless...
me? all i have is some failed CEO , who after YEARS of DELAYS and DILUTION, standing up saying this isn't a failure, wait,blahbitttyblah. and a SP which has tanked about 70-80%..... AGAIN....tealeaves on a bulletin board to reassure myself....
Even if we are able to salvage something, time for DON to GO....
end rant...sorry for venting....massive paper losses, will now turn into real ones....they can keep my 2013 losses company, still carrying those on the tax books from back then!
gonna go kick a puppy or something...