Silence is deafening. Deceit is obvious.
48: Market cap of $79.7 million , assets of $91.9 million , COH $52.7 million - plus 40,000 kg of certified HC passed certified organic product yet to be fiscally reported, Hardly a falling knife. The one poster who began with vaping deaths which were proven to be attributed to black market - this poster continually conjures a new persona every day promoting his blog is completely wrong and has an interest in shorting , nothing more. He is in over his head and that is why he continually bashes he is wishing this stock to drop even more so he can cover. Don`t help him. Look at the numbers. That says it all. Hold, buy , but selling at a loss in panic mode is not the answer. If you came here to make money , congratulations - don`t fall for the Market Makers flushing out weak hands - at this time, they are flushing out weak companies. Yes there will be insolvencies, but 48 will NOT be one of them. Again, look at the numbers.
Ignore this person pumping his blog, and his misconstrued interests.To this person : have you forgotten we invented Hockey , Basketball, Baseball, Insulin, The telephone, first fly by wire fighter aircraft , first pressurized passenger jet airliner , list is endless. Reatil investors: Don`t let them steal what is rightfully ours. What is ours, is pride. Firsts. Staying power. Loved the world over.
Believe in what you believe. One drop of food colouring (Canadian spelling EH) in a beaker of water changes the colour of the water. Don`t let people like this taint your thoughts. They only want to steal your shares. So don`t let them. Look at the numbers. That says it all.