Simple inexpensive test that outperform..In the October 2, 2019 PressRelease SZLS said (QUOTE) " The company has piqued the interest of 150,000 people " (End Of Quote).
The big question is why ???
The answer could be in the link below. In the CONCLUSION...
(QUOTE) " Prostate Health Index is a simple and inexpensive blood test that should be used as part of a multivariable approach to screening. In multiple prospective international trials, this composite mesurement has been show to
outperform conventional PSA and free PSA mesurements " (End Of quote).
A simple and inexpensive test that outperform conventional PSA....
That could explain the 6,700 prospective patients (and more to come).
And to top it off it is FDA approved.
The future of this little test look promising.