Good News is on the WayNo frost in the forcast for Strathroy in the next week. This should allow for the outdoor to be almost completely harvested. We will see a news release in the next 10 to 15 days confirming 20 million plus grams at a cost of 20 to 25 cents per gram. Aylmer extraction facility will be up and running, should see some good PR around that. A supply aggrement with Quebec will be coming very soon. Q3 numbers should be decent an Q4 will shake things up. Looking forward to seeing some revs from extraction and 2.0 news. Weed Md should not be moving down because the over inflated peers cant justify their sky high MC's. We dont have that problem, thing are going to turn around here soon. The sector sucks right now but dont loose faith, WMD is set up to kill it!!!