The RulesWe are all eager for news from the mine. But we should all recognize that BHS is constrained by the reporting rules. If they run 20 tons through the circuit to see how things are working they cannot report that because it is simply a test run not a material change.
The next news release about the Bayhorse mine needs to announce that the processing plant is working and that it has produced "x" pounds of concentrate at "y" ounces per ton. That is material and it has to be disclosed.
The "rules" mean that shareholders who want to hear how things are progressing are SOL. Not because GO doesn't want to tell you exactly how things are progressing pump by pump, ton by ton, but rather because the rules say he can't. Frustrating as Hell.
The Bayhorse mine is in the home stretch. The next release should be the finish.
Giddy Up the Bayhorse!