deisman03 wrote: Ogopogo007 wrote: The country needs pipelines built. Now. The lack of capacity has cost us tens of billions, depressed Canadian financial assets, hurt investors and cost jobs – not to mention a withering 30% commercial vacancy rate in Calgary. As for real estate, the Liberal shared-mortgage program is a mess and houses are less affordable now than they were in 2015. But the Cons’ plans to bring back long mortgages and gut the stress test are equally insane.
Truth be told, there may be no good option in this election. Fiscal conservatives voting for Max steal from Cons and help spendy Libs. Those opting for Greens are noble yet irrelevant. NDP supporters crave socialism. And the Bloc is a special interest anti-Canada party which, incredibly, might determine the next federal government.
How to vote?
Find the worthiest candidate in your riding and support him/her.
If voting for a leader and party, pick the one that’s best for Canada, not just you.
Got kids? Then don’t support the over-spenders or debt accumulators. They already blame you for the planet.
Too bad short pants Harper Lite Scheer squeaked past Mad Max...thanks to the Dairy Farmers in Quebec to win Con's leadership vote. I might of been able to swallow my distaste of lying scumbag Cons...might
True...there are no good why vote for the "pretend fiscal Cons" ?
Why don't you look into the REAL reason those pipelines aren't being built??? Mr Bernier knows why. He also doesn't have a duly proposed and voted on POLICY PLATFORM. PPC has never held a POLICY CONVENTION and can say anything they want at any given moment, without making a REAL promise.
First off, There is a good reason the natives in Canada refer to themselves as "First Nations." They are sovereign nations unto themselves as stated in their TREATIES and are PROTECTORATES OF THE QUEEN, who has deferred the ROYAL DUTIES onto Canadian taxpayers.
Those treaties, like every other treaty between nations have a best before date. They were never intended to be in force in perpetuity.
First Nations are PROTECTERATES of Canada. Justl like Puerto Rico is a Protecterate of the US.
Read some of the current treaties if you don't believe this.
There was a time, during the Cold War, when the Soviets were visiting the governing bodies on reserves to offer them a "BETTER DEAL." If they had come to an agreement, things would be much different today than they are. It turned into a bidding war and the results are telling.
GLTA the good folks here