RE:RE:FN'sDon’t forget the potlatches on the west coast. Native version of our current UN, only thousands of years earlier (and probably more effective).
TickerTwit wrote: Moemoney42 wrote:
they were all waring factions/tribes that would kill and rape, and steal from each other with no concern for ethnicity or rights
"All"? Do you have a credible source (not your parents) for this claim? There was widespread commerce among the tribes around the Great Lakes, which doesn't seem to fit with your statement.
Moemoney42 wrote:
They're all basicly nomad tribes people with no actual doctrine of a "nation"
SEVERELY wrong. The Hurons, the Algonquins, numerous west coast tribes, and many more, were not nomadic. The plains tribes were distinctly nomadic because they had to follow the herds. The Inuit moved only during caribou migrations and then returned to their coastal homes afterward. Most fishing tribes stayed put.
Moemoney42 wrote:
... lets call it like it is ...
Don't you really mean, 'Call it like my parents told me it should be called?'
Please stop. You're spouting racist propaganda that you've been subjected to since being
in utero. You know squat.