Cannabis 2.0 Right Around the CornerWhy so much selling pressure a couple of days before Cannabis 2.0? This is the date that will finally regulate the sale of CBD in Canada. This is the foundation of East's business model. I expect a JV to come in short order once the regulations are clear and the companies involved have a guideline to work with. It makes sense that the JV would be stalled until after the regulations are made. CBD sales in Canada expected to start in December, right in time for the holidays and with guaranteed shelf space in Sangsters and distribution deals already in place I expect East to be a big part of that market share. We are at near maximum capitulation here. This stock has plummeted 90% since all time highs and the biggest progress is happening over the next two quarters. I'm putting my money where my mouth is, and will continue to load up on these cheap shares. 3.5 cents is a gift. Hold for two years and you will get a 500-1000% gain, I am very confident of that. The fair value of East is not this low.