GREY:ATTBF - Post by User
Post by
geodcanon Oct 19, 2019 2:31pm
Post# 30247534
It is trading
It is tradingon the OTC in the States. It is halted or suspended on Canadian exchanges and I don't know how to trade it on the OTC except possibly taking posession of the stock certificates and seeing if you can get a US brokerage house to sell them for you. For the most part it looks like we invested in a snake pit of unscrupuous self-serving sob's that bestowed fat fees for doubtful services provided and magically made the money dissappear. Most of this seems like a house of cards and the CSE decided to call them out. I am surprised that the OTC didn't honour the halt levied by Canadian exchanges. My inquires to the CSE are not responded to. I put enough money into this that if I matched it, I could have 3 or 4 of those swindlers shot and pizzed on. It wouldn't be profitable but it would be very satisfying and might smarten up the rest. They need some serious stimulus to get their heads wrapped around the idea of looking after the shareholders.