Regarding the black market.Everyone seems to forget that each houshold can have four plants growing. Each plant is capable of producing 1/2 pound to 2 pounds each. All the skill that is required can be gained on the internet. Starting with decent clones or seeds and following the accepted guidlines for growing, harvesting, drying and curing. Canadians can easily grow enough quality canabis for themselves and perhaps sell some to their freinds. Outdoors the plants can be grown with almost no investment. Indoors for the cost of a high pressure sodium light and ballast using organic soil you can get two crops per year. That would average about eight pounds per year. I think even the black market will not be able to compete with this. The future of cannabis appears to be in the products that require skill and investment that is beyond the average consumer and the black market. Selling cannabis at $125/ounce will not cut it in the long run. Only the oils, edibles, vapes, and primo bud will be profitable IMHO.