RE:Puzzled by market responseGreede the market doesn't care about this release bc it is non-thc drinks. If they announced they added 150 stores with CBD or THC drinks the SP would respond. We are in a bad spot here. There is no bottom on this drop. The asks are getting bigger, many longs are bailing and taking a loss. We need Jeff and Rick to make an insider buy at these levels to show confidence. THe market is starting to price this company like it is going to be a bust. I am not saying it is a bust, but the market is starting to feel this is the case.
Greede wrote: Not only indifferent but, actually actively disregarding it.
I suppose because they are outright stating, our financials are not YET looking good.
However, when you do what one must with a TNY news release, you quickly find that that peeling past a surface reading the implication is quite strong that the numbers are going to look pretty powerful come early 2020.
In fact, if you look at how they run their monies - they might just end up showing the world how to run a profitable, growing cannabis beverage company by next year.
Why we're puttering around 38.5 cents is just ludicrous but some folks read this and see what they DON'T have - not booking revenue, not licensed yet at LBF etc. That's not the smart way to see things but I suspect the short terms are not digging this NR and want more meat.
I'll keep waiting to see how this range holds up until I dig in for more shares.