RE:RE:I'm not sorry for Not I’m just a moron ???????????
You and fools under estimate me about exactly who I know with the amount of INFO ... sucks but Noront tried to nix KWG with an advance deal with Marten Falls with those shares
Now the Feds are FORCING both to deal with and to mould a plan with KWG
You won’t find but I’ll pass the first part of the cover letter but that is it ... sucks but I got and a fool blabs like usual !!!
want to bet Marten Falls keeping it on the QT and Coutts doesn’t even know about Noront bad news ?
Enjoy your bend over
lmpact Assessment Agency of Canada
Ontario Region 600-55 York Street Toronto ON MsJ 1R7
October 11,2019
Agence d'valuation d'impact du Canada
Rgion de I'Ontario 600-55 rue York Toronto ON MsJ 1R7
Chief Bruce Achneepineskum Marten Falls First Nation General Delivery
Ogoki Post ON POT 340
i nfo @m a rte nfa I I sa ccessroad. ca
Dear Chief Bruce Achneepineskum
Sent by Email
Agency File No:
Subject: Summary of lssues for the Marten Falls Community Access Road Project
The lmpact Assessment Agency of Canada (the Agency) conducted comment periods from August 9, 2019, to August 29, 2019, and from September 11,2019, to October 1,2019, to invite participants to provide their perspective on any issues that they consider relevant in relation to the Marten Falls Community Access Road Project (the Project). All submissions received from lndigenous groups and the public are available on the Canadian lmpact Assessment Registry (reference #
A Summary of lssues document, which reflects the comments received by the Agency is included as Attachment 1 to this letter. The Summary of lssues provides a record of the issues raised. As it is a high-level summary, the Agency directs the proponent to review the original submissions posted on the Registry.
Pursuant to subsection 15(1) of hhe lmpacf Assessment Act, Marten Falls First Nation must provide the Agency with a Detailed Project Descriptiqn that sts out how it intends to address the issues in the Summary of lssues and includes the information described in the lnformation and Management of Time Limits Regulations (the Regulations). The requirements for the Detailed Project Description are set out in section 4 and Schedule 2 of the Regulations. Please consult the Guide to Preparing an lnitial Project Description and a Detailed
P roj e ct Desc ri pt i o n at www. c a n a d a. c a /e n /i m p a.ct-assessmen f- agency/seruices/policy-guidance/practitioners-guide-impacf-assessment- act/guide-preparing-project-description-detailed-project-description.html for further information.
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