RE:Our Competition (or lack of it)Krisruna, I think you are on the mark about CURA and Trul. I'm not sure about Tlry because I just don't have a good feel for their USA strategy. I wrote several months ago that I really liked OH as a takeover target for CGC but I was wrong on that front. They are headquartered right in Canopy's backyard and I was sure we would make a play on them but we were beaten to the punch. Trul is making a profit and dominating Florida. I owned shares for a short time. Did ok but nothing to write home about. TRUL looks attractive right now. CURA is something I'm on the fence about. They are obviously massive but, like CGC, losing money but without our cash or a strategic partner. Cash as you eluded to is crucial. I would love to see Constelation secure rights to acquire CURA- we would have to amend the STZ/CGC Agreement for that to happen but it would be easy since STZ controls CGC's Board. Imagine STZ/CGC owning rights to acquire Acreage and CURA. Total domination. At the end of the day, someone is going to acquire CURA. Just my thoughts.