RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:StormyoIirc there was no major spike in CO2 levels. It was the atmospheric ash blocking sunlight that caused global temperatures to drop and cut food production massively. (No sunlight, no plants!)
deisman03 wrote: Why is it you climate change freaks are so hell bent on taking the blame???
Talk about being in denia. Somehow you folks just ignore that ONE active volcanoe will spew more CO2 into the atmosphere everyday than all of humanity can produce in a year.
Why do you think the mid 1500s were called the DARK AGES and over half the earth's population of humans and animals died off??
There were six active volcanoes spewing ash and dust into the atmosphere at such a prodigious rate for only a couple of years that the CO2 couldn't be assimilated fast enough. It didn't help that sunlight was blocked by ash clouds and after a ten year winter, it took close to twenty years for the plants to come back.
Lets not forget how much the Earth's position to the Sun and Moon effect climate. Why is all of this conveniently forgottten in the Climate Change Social Club??
Now if you're going to go on about using our oceans for garbage dumps as well as our fresh water lakes and streams. I will beat that drum with you all day. That's where the real danger is and it's definitely something we can actually do something about in a visible/meaningful manner.
Climate change is a smoke screen for the COLLECTION OF TAXES.
GLTA the good folks here