Remember Sept 9th? I Sure Do...On September 9th, Pretium was down 9% on 3x normal volume...huge volume. I mentioned it here.
July and August were included in the 3rd quarter and it would be readily obvious by the 2/3 mark on Sept9 whether you were going to hit guidance or not. So maybe someone in the know told a big fish or two. And coincidentally- that big sell off occurred on absolutely no news. I scoured the intarwebs.
I think paths told me it was normal selling which I thought was BS- and I attributed it to the usual cheerleading noise that takes place on this board.
So when this ugly miss happened- 3rd quarter in a row- I knew others knew before we did and acted on Sept 9. It was far enough away for most people to forget or think it was just a Monday fluke 8 weeks ago.
I know insider trading when I see it. If I was on the PVG board I would call for Joe O's head. Not only does he over promise and under deliver- he even lies about hitting guidance. I might can him for those rotten actions in and of themselves before I even considered finding out who was doing all that selling on Sept 9 before this crappy report was finalized.
Joe O has cost me a lot of money. My options cost money, his are mostly free without a short expiry.
We have a 9 gram per ton mine. We have a CEO who reaffirms guidance when he knows there is no possible way he can hit it. Even with a 3800 thruput. And we have plenty of suspicious activity regarding sales of stock before these crappy quarterly reports. I want honest people. Joe O isn't one of them. I'm not going to listen to the call. It's just gonna be more BS and excuses.
Is PVG a solid mine. Yes. Is it a 500k oz mine peer year? No.
You little girls on this board- you know who you are- need to offer up an apology or two to miningman. Anonymously ridiculing people is what cowards do.
So let's see what tomorrow brings. I'm thinking it aint gonna be pretty.