INVESTIGATE ADAM SPEARS & BOARD OF DIRECTORS!!!Fellow shareholders: Please google "Adam Spears short fund' and read the second link there by the Financial Post article. There may be nefarious and borderline criminal activity occuring on the Board of Directors. There is an independanbt board member named Adam Spears. He runs a short hedge fund and rumour has it that this board member has been involved with shorting the chit out Zena stock, then covering by participating in the raises.
He would have first hand knowledge of when they would be doing raises, and then could short the living daylights out of the stock, then covering into the raises so they wouldn't have to cover on the open market.
This is insider trading which is a criminal act. This is highly unethical.
The fact he is an independant board member, and how he got onto the board is a mystery to me. He surely wasn't voted it.
Adam Spears sits on the Board, and rumour is he has been profiting from the decline in the Zenabis stock price.
Adam Spears and his crooked pals may be the reason the stock price has cratered in such a short period of time. Rumour has it they have been shorting Zena since $6 and have made a killing.
I have heard that one shareholder has hired an investigative journalist and lawyer to dive deeper into the Board of Directors. The rest of the board may be complicit in this. Rumour has it they may have some cash in Mr. Spears short fund. Imagine the Board here is profiting off the decline of the share price?!?
Tell me, why would the board decide to a raise at 0.15 cents when the market price was 0.50 cents? Rumour has it Mr Spears has made a killing off shorting this stock, and the guy sits on the Board!! In case Mr. Spears and the rest of the board want to muzzle me and intimidate me with a lawsuit so I keep my mouth shut, please note this is all rumour and none of this is fact. Please do your own research. However, when you start to put the pieces together, they speak for themselves!