what is missingin all the discussions regarding a company being too Albertacentric is its the only juristiction that is letting the market decide at this point, and ISH has a dominate position with the franchise model. Talk that they will fail shows little understanding on how the franchise model works. Yes some wont make it. Doesnt mean the franchisor does. In fact, the exposure for that event is exremely limited, rather than 100% ownership, that is why franchising is a successful model, period, pot, booze coffee or choclate bars, doesnt matter. The other thing that most detractors seem to ignore is this is not a mature industry, its a year old and no one here can speak to its future. Pick the model you prefer, look at how the companies are run, and evaluate profit, not rocket science, not complicated. Ontario appears to be ready to open up, BC has to do the same, I have heard that there are still illegal stores in the GVA for chrissakes. Albertacentric? You bet, poised to do the same when Ont and BC open up, IMO, good luck..