RE:meeting Jan 3rdWhere do you get that bizarre thought??? It's an AGM notice, not a Special Meeting notice. So elect the board, appoint the auditors, go home...
Ps. Most of CO's loans to TTX convert at market = $0.015/sh so why "merge"? Why even hacv CO shldrs vote on it at this point? ICO has made it's bedlending millions to TTX that seems to be "gone" with no reporting on results (poof), so CO shold either call teh loans and take whatever TTX assets exist or convert and totally control TTX. ...or maybe the Board and Execs have some undislosed personal angel they are working?
Pps. Let me guess, in your personal calls with the CO CEO he's selectively telling you there will be a merger with TTX not a debt conversion, where the merger ratio will be far less attractive to CO than loan conversion or calling the loans would be ....and because?