GREY:NMKEF - Post by User
Comment by
ewaltz22on Nov 11, 2019 5:53am
Post# 30334440
RE:RE:RE:All is good even excellent
RE:RE:RE:All is good even excellent Me too I like reddit Calgary why don't you read the facts(in comments) and go back to choking on gold cocks
instead of attacking posters for no reason
- Quebec is the 2nd most populous province.
- Equalization is based on a formula that calculates the difference between the per capita revenue yield that a particular province would obtain using average tax rates and the national average per capita revenue yield at average tax rates (thanks Wikipedia)
- In short, when your average provincial income per capita, standardized for Canada, is lower than the national average, you receive equalization.
- Quebec has a lower average income per capita than the rest, but because of the size of the population, it comes out to a large payout.
- Per capita, Quebec is second lowest receiver (after Ontario). If we had to rank provinces on haves and haves not per capita, Quebec would therefore be at #6.
To those saying Quebec needs to be cut off:
- Sovereigntists would love to end equalization payments. They argue it would prove Quebec can work independantly of the federal government
- Quebec receives lots, but, because of its population, also contributes lots. Essentially, every province put money in a pot, that Otawa divides according to its own rules. This is why when people say "Alberta pays for Quebec", it is simply false. Alberta pays into the pot, Ottawa then divides.
- The rules that decide who gets how much are set by Ottawa, not by the provinces.
- Since equalization payments are part of our repatriated Constitution, which Quebec never signed, it can be argued that they never agreed in the first place to receive equalization.
- Numbers are debated, but if transfers between Quebec and Ottawa stopped altogether (no money moving from one to the other), Quebec's deficit would be between 5 and 15 billion dollars annually. A large amount for sure, but comes out to a deficit of 600-2000$ per capita. Considering the provincial debt per taxpayer of Quebec is currently 70,000$, this deficit would be a drop in the bucket.