BioTeck - likes to jerk poster's chains ;)BioTeck... naughty, naughty of you!
You really do like to jerk poster's chains don't you!
Give it a yank and see what entertainment falls out...
I am still in awe that you are nimble enough to make coin trading in and out. Some have that ability. You do; I don't.
Here's a thought for you to ponder "Speedy Gonzalez"... IF Sernova be (subjunctive case) such a poor place to be, why are you risking coin being nimble when there are so many other pretty ladies to dance with? IF Sernova were (subjunctive case yet again) that risky, I am 99 44/100% sure you'd not be nimble with SVA, but be elsewhere jerking poster's chains!
By trading SVA, you are comfortable that Sernova has something. Further, when the stock price makes a move (and I am confident that it will and when most, including me, don't expect it), you will have a residual even if caught with your nimbleness down a few shares to have a big smile on your face all the way to the bank. "Well done that man".
BioTeck, make coin and, please, be just a little more gentle jerking poster's chains. There ARE other ways to be entertained on BB's.
Yes, please, make coin!
From a Chinooking Cowtown +10°C as I type!