The dream has turned intoa nightmare for a lot of Canopy investors. Normal accounting fundamentals are superceding the hope of multi-bagger days of old. Constellation spilled a lot of fuel into that fire and investors are trying to decide if it was fair warning or if they have an ulterior motive. Are they gathering at the bottom? We know they saw the concern they have for their alcohol business, backed with 5 billion dollars to be a part of Canopy and Bruce's dream. That move solidified the greenrush in a lot of investor's eyes and the stocks ran up. They were already at lofty levels without much to back those values up. Stocks go up and stocks go down. The question going through a lot of minds right now is, when are these going to run up again and have we seen the bottom?
I have been watching politics at its best which isn't an endorsement of what Health Canada and the steering team have been doing for phase 2 edibles. I have also watched Quebec and Ontario with their shenanigans and roadblocks to free enterprise.
My hope is the US getting it right and politickin' to the will of the people for a whole new Federal industry for what I think is a safer vice and a whole new line of herbal treatment for lots of ailments. glta and dyodd