What a week!Now, that that all the financial results are out, I'm hoping for some positive results. I think it was a good strategy to release preliminary results this week when all the cannabis stocks are falling. The real Q4 results should show some positive news (like the cost per gram of production) and all the bad news are out. Our low cost production and our cautious approach with the money spending will save us and on the long run, we should be one of the major lp in Canada. I looked at Zenabis price, and after searching a little bit, I saw that they need to pay a big debt in june 2020 and don't have the money. Companies like that could disapear from the market and Organigram could take avantage of that. The quality of the products is good, lowest cost of production in Canada, canabis 2.0 coming with great products, good strategic investments in other companies (like Hyasynth); I think the future is bright even if there is a big cloud right now :)