What should Focus trade for?RiverThames - using your suggestion that graphite market is over supplied and thus Lac Knife is worth SFA...believe I read that the "consultant" hired by FMS suggested all FMS mineral properties be sold...they haven't so no buyers is my takeaway
From the last audited financials on SEDAR.COM, note 6 reads....
Since the net investment in associate as at September 30, 2018 is $NIL (2017 - $NIL) and the share of net loss will not be included in the value of the investment, the company believes that no additional information is necessary.
Use Mason as your guide. Value their Grafoid shares, deduct their debt, than divide by 2, there you have it. A 5 to 7 million stock.
So take nil, subtract the FMS negative working capital ...the way I do math...that's less than zero.
As in worthless.
JMHO but Mr Market seems to be agreeing