RE:RE:Conference Calldavewho wrote: I listened to the CC again last night. A couple things I missed.
James said they are expecting their 1st Analyst coverage. It will be interesting to read that report and see who is doing it..
He also said break even for SZLS is 3-4k tests / month. Exas does 130k / month and is still loosing money. If TeleHeath and Oncore can bring the test count anywhere close to Exas's numbers StageZero will have so much free cash flow they won't know how to spend it all.
Thanks Dave. There's a lot of stuff covered in this CC, way more than in any other CCs from this year. Nicely done too, since Tripp decided to structure it as a FAQ. I'm not saying it answers everything. On the contrary. But it was the best one by far in 2019.
I'll listen to it again tomorrow. I'm sure some people here didn't even bother to give it a try, which is a shame.