RE:Major advantage for 1933...Same old...... B,S, .....but didnt work for TGIF.....Nose bleed daily......truly pathetic!!!!!!.... One time wonder of $1.48 due to BAMM hype. ......hellish shirt!!!!
benduck wrote: 40-45 million people walking around Las Vegas;
pockets full of money and their minds bent on partying.
Secondly, a 3rd party analyzed and approved product line
of the highest quality cannabis products.
Lastly, an advanced marketing strategy, complete with
a growing list of endorsements.
2020 looks to be a break-out year for 1933; let's hope that
the US Congress finally resolves three major issues, as follows:
1) allow for Banks to accept Cannabis transactions
2) remove Cannabis from Schedule I
3) make corresponding and necessary changes to IRS
One last point, the loss in revenue to the coffers of the FED
are massive, growing year-over-year and cannot be ignored
Example: Colorado, as of June 12, 2019:
Marijuana tax, license and fee revenue has reached $1.02 billion, and marijuana sales over $6.5 billion, the Colorado Department of Revenue announced in a news release. Colorado has 2,917 licensed marijuana businesses and 41,076 licensed individuals working in the industry.