That's what I thought tooa large transistor radio. Better than the Radio Shack black box whip together they did prior to the better looking pistol types. AMG, you are creative and have computer skills that I only dream of, while putting up your version of contraryism and humour. I do repeat my beliefs for the rote learners, who require several reminders before it sets in.
What thc breathalzyer companies are doing is to convert conventional wisdom that this can be done. Several players give me inspiration despite the uphill battle to determine arbitrary levels of measurement that will pass legal scrutiny.
As you know, my choice is still BLO while I sense that you lean towards the Hound. Both have the same hurdles while Drager got through to Canadian law and policy people with a device that will never get passed the court system.
Who knows, maybe AGN will change direction and announce a thc detector device!
The need is there! The fact that almost none of the BAC people saw the future and started development of a thc device as a natural progression for their revenue stream is testament that this will be difficult and expensive to develop.
The right kind of hype can make money for shareholders and BLO is facing the shareholders with no income stream, only potential,
which is the same as most of the marijuana business shareholders.
Jmho but I can see the shareprice for a working breathalyzer commanding $40 or even more, only based on how the BAC stocks did. I use Lifeloc for comparison because they are a bac supplier who tried or are trying to expand their offerings and still command $5 shareprice, agreeably on very few shares.
I believe in technology and science and the rapid advances they are making, while recognizing that a thc device is only one part of all the dominoes that have to fall to get a device legal and turn it into a moneymaker. It might take decades but keep in mind that the MS science is where they get the answers now and it works, in a lab, with scientific minded people. Downsizing it and dummying it down are just 2 of the development hurdles. What is impaired by drugs is a legal conundrum that could sort itself out at the speed at which law moves.
NR today means that somebody still cares enough to put one out. glta and dyodd