RE:The near term news we can expectInv3strr wrote: We don't know what repilcel has been up to until they tell us in a news release, but I think it will include:
- Dermal injector prototype is done. So... What's it look like?. How does it function? What can it do? How will it change our lives? Maybe some experts talking about it. Trade shows? Soon we will have more than just 1 or 2 pictures ... maybe a big marketing campaign coming up if they actually want to commercialize next year.
-Dermal injector updates about the manufacturing setup and how many they will make for first launch
- Dermal injector and yofoto and what's the plan there. ...
- Dermal injector data about expected market size in Europe and HK.. whats the expected revenue from that..
- Shiseido update about what's happening.... now that there's the patent replicel should want the data so they should tell us the plan. Wait it out? Ask shiseido? Maybe shiseido needs the replicel injector. That would be the best news ever.
- Clinical phase 2 studies on tendon and skin in china and HK and japan.
- partnerships in japan
- UBC and UVIC study results which i think is happening right now
That's all just off the top of my head.... There's a lot happening, and these are some of the near term things we might see in coming updates. Like before December probably. So don't panic there will be a lot of good news to chew on.
I admire your endless positivity but where is the money coming from to found this? Based on your logic both Shiseido and YOFOTO will be participating in this lasting financing, because they dont want replicel to fail. Actually the tranche should over subscribed.....