RE:StoneMan45I think the additional subscription agreement is for shares not for rights.
You can ask for a higher amount and you will get it if the requests don't exceed the amount of shares available.
It's likely that there won't be enough shares available to fulfill all requests so at that point they will distibute the shares based on a pro rata basis. Which is calculated by the number of common shares you subscribed for under the basic privilege divided by the aggregate number of shares common shares subscribed for under the basic privilege by all participants subscribing for additional shares.
Foxbat143 wrote: I am too lazy to refer to my letter from RBC. According to memory I have one day after expiring of the Rights (expires on Nov 27th thus I have until Nov 28th to deliver my request). This is my question. The fulfilment of that request for additional Rights is on a prorated basis. If I wish to make certain that I have a chance to acquire another 60K rights to hopefully get 40k shares (this is my situation) should I advise my broker to request a higher amount?
The reason I ask for an opinion is that I thought (received RBC's after I exercises my Rights) that it would have been based on the amount of Rights that I exercised. Now I see that it is based on my request.
Not suggesting that anyone should ask for a higher amount.
Now for a second question. Do you think that there would be a large amount of Rights available as happened with Aurora giving options with their Australis AUSA spin-off? I am attempting to gauge market sentiment in order to get the quantity of Rights that I am seeking.
Sorry for this long winded diatribe.