RE:PubmedImho, the human body is not in balance with it's environment, it's environment has caused the human to lose many of it's natural abilties such as replacing damaged cells with healthy ones from a single cell to a damaged limb or damaged nerve. The ability to kill a cancer cell and replace it with a healthy one. We've lost that capability but yet there a clues found in nature that some creatures still have the ability to regrow a damaged limb.
So I see cannabioids as switch activators for the human body to help bring the body back, at least, into a better balance, as I witnessed myself, faster healing of a bad leg scrape.
Today there was an article that a neurol switch in the brain was discovered that controls alcoholism, defective switch in those people that are addicted to over drinking? CBD or by product to help regulate that neural switch?
I have been taking jabs at the FDA the last several days about their need for more research as a food additiive....recall my humor of running out to buy a 40 ouncer of vodak and a carton of cigarettes?
This just out from the FDA a few minutes's all politics and big money by big pharma wanting to delay it so they can corner the market and control cannabinoid compound based cures and the way to do that imho, is restrict access to those compounds via the mouth. Do they need to do more research and spend another 50 years plus like Israel has already done?
Maybe they will move faster when a case of black plague is discovered in the U.S. I said several months ago, fear is the greatest motivator.
FDA says more scientific data needed to move forward with CBD regulation
Published 2 mins ago | By Hemp Industry Daily staff
Federal health regulators say the lack of scientific data about cannabidiol explains their delay issuing new guidance on over-the-counter CBD.