WOW The IP that drives biotech may be one of the easy entry points for early investors to look at. Oncolytics Biotech (NASDAQ: ONCY) developed tech known as Pelareorep, a non-pathogenic, proprietary treatment for cancerous tumors. It’s unlike any other treatment on the market, and the company is looking to enter phase 3 testing come 2020.
Pelareorep selectively replicates in permissive cancer cells. Upon virus replication, cancer cells die, releasing additional virus particles to infect nearby cancer cells. This is a unique treatment within the sector.
The company has also begun to work with industry giant Pfizer (NYSE: PFE) to develop IP through new studies. Oncolytics Biotech (NASDAQ: ONCY) will be developing programs to evaluate the efficacy and safety in their clinical studies targeting early stage breast cancer, multiple myeloma and other various hard to target cancers.
Going In On Niche Market Segments
Oncolytics Biotech (NASDAQ: ONCY) originally hails from Canada, but has operations in San Diego as well, and the company is listed on the TSX and NASDAQ exchanges.
If cancer biotech can reach the kind of massive revenue numbers the current data suggests, some of these newcomers may become the future giants of the industry that come to define the future of biotech, medical research and pharmaceutical IP.