RE:COLT studyThe 1gr and 2gr studies are irrelevant, latest studies shows that the required dosage is 4gr. You should not pay to much attention to other studies which are not 4gr. The COLT Study was 4 gr per day for 8 weeks for mild to high TG. Only 10% of the COLT study were High TG.
If you are good in math : if 8 weeks, for Mild-High TG (150mg/ld to 1500mg/ld) the result was 14.5% reduduction.
For 12 weeks 500mg and over Acasti should not have any difficulty to reach the 20% reduction FDA baseline.
Amarin had 24% reduction.
If Acasti beat Amarin 24% and hit one or two secondary end points. They should be a home run, which is my believe.