RE:RE:RE:RE:Question Johnny if you dont need to work the take the time to learn about the industry and maybe how stock market works. You bought bbd without thinking what you got into. What did you expect miracles. Bbd is very unstable stock. Its a gamble. You keep blaming bbd managers, the analysts, and pumpers. Maybe blame yourself for not doing enough research before buying or maybe you were one of those fools who follow the heard and were last one in. Bottom line no one forced you to buy this stock and if you bought by believing the management narrative then thats all your fault. Its is their job to promote. You should have look at the financial results, read and understand how the industry cycle works, who are the the big dogs in the industry. Look at the counter points before buying. I dont know all the reasons for bbd sp to be where it is but i am pretty sure when you bought you knew about the debt. As for work yes i work whats wrong with that. If you dont need to work and are here every day whinny and blaming everyone then you have issue. You need to grow up and become a man. And Johnny boy i like the name stick it now cuz i just stick it in now in your butt. Grow some balls and take ownership of you own decisions.