RE:RE:RE:RE:🛬You lost a door and the frame of the door? You fly a 777XBbd has to sell part bit by bit to concentrate in its core business. The family had dreams of becoming a Canadian conglomerate company. They bought Shorts brothers, canadair, de havilland, learjet, few aerostruture companies, and rail and signal companies. Bombardier conglomerate theme was Transportation. Bbd had success with most of their purchases look at Canadiar from that came the CRJ regional market leader in the 90's, it also gave birth to challenger jets and global jets. De havilland gave the dash 8 line of product, twin otter, beaver, otter and water bomber and shorts gave them more aerostructure lead and learjet was a league ofnits own.. Where bbd fail was intergrating all the aviation units into one and rail into one. Instead of staggering their product development they ended up doing 3 major work all together Global, c series, and learjet. All drain bbd of cash and attention away form rest of the fragmented company. Had they developed the g7500 first then the same airframe could have been used for crj replacement, and then do c series or learjet. Its easy for me to say this now but market dictated which airplane to build first. One thing for sure bbd should not have taken on r&d of 3 new product. AB and BA dont even do multiple projects on this magnitude (percent wise). Had the intergration been done we might have had a very strong and agile bbd. I think one of the reason Bellemare was hired was due to his experience with UTX - a very successful conglomerate. Now we will have a smaller but more concentrated and agile bbd. Any part of bbd which is not core to rail and aerospace division will be sold to raise cash and avoid distractions.