Why is MM still pouring litteral millions into it...? In March the auditor wrote:
"The conditions, along with other matters as set out in Note 2, indicate the existence of material uncertainties that may cast significant doubt about the Company's ability to continue as a going concern."
(This is the main reason I finally bailed out)
Now in Nov:
"The conditions, along with other matters as set out in Note 2, indicate the existence of material uncertainties that cast significant doubt about the Company's ability to continue as a going concern."
BUT: "Liabilities: The Company’s liabilities increased by $2,070,554 or 18% between FY2018 and FY2019. This was mainly due to additional loans provide from the main shareholder and the management of the Company."
The above is why I am now scared I'll miss out! What does Markus Meile know (and refuse to disclose)? He has poured millions into what seems like a sinking ship. I can only assume he is a smart business person to get to where he is now, so why? His support (and thinking that he must expect a big win) is why I stayed in many years past when common sense said I should get out. :-)
Something has been almost for a long time (the famed hockey stick).
If he was buying up more stock the silence would at least make sense (driving down the price for personal gain with a future big announcement), but that doesn't seem to be it...?
Anyway, needless to say I am still watching closely from the outside. :-)