Airbus vs Boeing leaves bombardier outVarious news media are reporting about WTO ruling against AB. Reading some of these articles you can see how deep the EU and US illegally supported their home airframe Manufacturer. This leaves no room for Bombardier to break in to the market. When bombardier gets loans from QC or equity infusion many cry foul but fail to see what the competitors are doing. Look at Russia and China they dont even bother hiding the support for their aerospace industry. Without illegally subsidies AB wont be as big as they are now so they deserve the tariffs. Yes Boeing also played that game and got money to develop Military products that they transfer to civilian while totally legal it gave them a big leap ahead. Embraer is another manufacturer which was created by the Brazilian government and the government still has say on what Embraer does. Bombardiers big debt is due to the R&D of new products. Yes they were all over budget but look at all of AB and BA airplanes and all of them were also over budget. Unlike AB and BA the subsidies they got helped them lower their debt. Bombardier didn't. So for all the bombardier bashers look at the industry and the market then look at bombardier. Unfortunately large civilian transport market belongs to AB and BA bbd learnt that the hard way. Bizz jet and rail is where the large margins are. Regional turbo prop and jets are nice to have but the margins are no longer there nor the market. Bombardier got cut down pretty bad, they have licked their wounds and are healing to ride again but this time on the horses that they are going to win. So my bet is on bombardier. Also as a Canadian proud to support a Canadian aerospace company which has put us on the global map.