RE:Fire in the Belly, what makes Ivan tick....Here's some highlights from Ivan's presentation along with a few other facts which I gathered.
- Las Bambas, the 10 largest copper mine in the world, is 35,000 ha while Sombrero is 130,000 ha (almost four times the size of LB). LB is copper/moly while Sombrero is copper/gold.
- Las Babmas sold for almost six billion dollars, depending on what the drilling shows Sombrero could sell for a whole lot more. Auryn won't be selling this property on the cheap if the drilling proves out the resource.
- Experienced balanced management team was put together to find tier one projects (top 20 mines on the planet)
- Rocks are the exact same age as LB, currently work has only been done in one small area in Sombrero. Every singe rock layer shows a mineralization of copper/gold. Copper/gold equivilant is the same grade as LB.
- Excellent infrastructure, roads and electricity.
- Once the DIA is approved the drills will be on the ground roughly 75 days later.
- Everyone is staking ground around Sombrero (remember many of the big companies which signed the CA know the potential of this property).
- Curibaya is 11,000 ha and according to Ivan with compete with Sombrero for upside (yikes, that is a telling statement). Look at the latest results to see the silver and gold potential (along with copper).
- Auryn has spent five years along with 100 million dollars looking for tier one opportunties and in 2020 they should be drilling in all three (Sombrero, Curibaya and CB). No wonder Ivan is excited!!