Congrats SuperSlug, you win the ESM message board today! Us "cowards" keep discussing reality. How unfortunate for the brave people who hold their ESM shares while they continue to hit new lows. The brave people who continue to point to gold in the ground that
doesn't belong to them. The brave people that continue to enable this pathetic management team by making excuses for them.
Why isn't anyone standing up for the excellent work performed for shareholders by Scott Moore, Stan Bharti, and the Forbes & Manhattan group? Any of you brave soldiers, read over the financial statements & MD&A's since they took over Carpathian and argue on a substantive level that they'd done a tremendous job? Come on, explain how the current burn rate makes sense for the company at this market cap? How is this beneficial to shareholders long-term?
Any takers?
SuperSlug wrote: I think you are confusing bashers with disgruntled fed up investors who have lost plenty on ths dawg of a company under tettible self serving, self dealing management. They should be investigated by IROC.