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Choom Holdings Inc CHOOF

Choom Holdings Inc. is a Canada-based retail cannabis company, which is established as store networks in Canada. The Company’s Choom brand is inspired by Hawaii's Choom Gang, a group of buddies in Honolulu, who loved to smoke weed or, as the locals call it, Choom. The Choom Gang pursued a ‘live in the moment’ lifestyle and their energy has helped shape the Choom culture, which is rooted in the shared belief of cultivating time with friends. The Company is focused on delivering an elevated customer experience through its curated retail environments, offering a diversity of brands for Canadians across a national retail network. The Company operates through two segments: Retail Cannabis and Corporate Operations. The Company’s business strategy is to build retail cannabis chains, with locations across Canada in the provinces that allow for private retailers.

GREY:CHOOF - Post by User

Bullboard Posts
Post by Nobuckon Dec 05, 2019 11:00am
Post# 30424934

Just tryna save everyones hard earned dollar

Just tryna save everyones hard earned dollar Everyone boosting not just this stock but others aswell i just notice it more on this one. Posting articles from a year ago trying to boost its image when in reality its going no where. Just trying to save the average persons hard earned money. I dont mind facts but lets keep the facts relevant not year old documents. Untill major change is done with this company (im not saying it wont happen) this stock will continue to fall. Albertas revenue alone will not cut it. 
Bullboard Posts