Pre-Commercialization...Sucks..In Pre-commercialization the...
-The SP always sucks...
-The sales always sucks...
-The Market Cap always sucks...
-The Tax Season always sucks...
-The CEO predictions always sucks...
Those who do not understand that SZLS is in Pre-Commercialization mode, need to do more vigilant DD.
If the SP sucks, why I am still invested in SZLS?????
Conditional(30 million $)..
If you take the time to read the 2019 AGM transcript page 19 paragraph #2, you will notice that the 30 million $ prediction was conditional to the materialization of revenue from ...
-Big employers of High Risk Employees...
-Big HealthCare Systems...
-Telehealth (direct to customer)...
-High risk employees (firefighters)...
In the investorintel video J.Tripp said " For the firefighters we are becoming the go to place for firefighters that want to be tested".
Meaning...not much sales on High risk employees for now, but it does seem that SZLS is progressing (slowly but nevertheless progressing).
-The Big HealthCare System...
In the 2019 AGM transcript J.Tripp said " You will understand that this HealthCare System is a huge one, there is a lots of details to take care of, and it is not an easy task to sign on such a big HealthCare system".
I agree, peoples on this board have no idea how much work it is to bring into conformity with the rules (and law) a big HealthCare System.
Once formalities and implementation are completed " Watchout".
Telehealth revenue could be our lifeline for now.
In the 2019 AGM transcript (slide 24), J.tripp said " We have an opportunity in front of us as we modeled it, if we invest 1 million$ in the Telehealth area it should generate 7-9 million $ in return.
In the investorintel video, J.Tripp said about Telehealth " We have been pushing very hard (1million$) and we are starting to LIFTOFF, oh boy are we starting to LIFTOFF, it is amazing to see the numbers as they come in".
Peoples on this board are going to say (with good reasons) that in the past J.Tripp used many time words like...
We predict...
We anticipate...
We expect...
We look forward to...
These are all foresight words.
This time it is a completely different wording "LIFTOFF", first time ever that J.Tripp use such strong and assertive wording.
If in the Q4 financial the tests number is the same(1500), after saying " We have LIFTOFF, oh boy do we have LIFTOFF" J .Tripp will have the painful and very unplesant task of explaining the word "LIFTOFF".
SZLS is still in precommercialization mode, and the SP sucks, but the word "LIFTOFF" indicate that SZLS is very close the real commercialization stage.