This is what a human pu$$y looks like
Go check out the Video... David Leith giving you the bla bla bla as to why you should take 10.30$ and be happy with that.
I don't know why David keeps doubling down on trying to get shareholders to tender... Cleary is special committee is completely bias and he is acting for Baker while minimizing any other alternative to the Baker offer.
This is just insulting to minority shareholders! Cmon man, how dumb do you think we are? Have some backbone and actually speak your mind, like you should, instead of being Baker's puppet!
If Baker doesn't want to be reasonable and move his bid higher on the range of the TD evaluation, and to recognize that Sask's is more valuable than the "independant assement" from CBRE, then he deserves to have his offer rejected...
He's wasted years of the companies (and shareholders) time while playing this game for years while not actually trying to bring value back to every shareholders! Shame on him!
I can only hope that the OSC will go down on him harsh on Wednesday, but lets be real, anyone can do anything on the Canadian market and get away with is!