Who wants to play GUESS THE CHARLATAN? The charlatan that I'm thinking of has: 1)Modeled the economics of 400,000 acres & 1 mile thick based upon 75 meters of core sample from a corner of the basin. 2)Calculated pressures and flow rates from one photo and exactly time stamped that photo. 3)Read info leaks based upon trading volumes. And that's just what he did today. Busy, busy fella.
Any guesses who the charlatan that I'm thinking of is?
Swami the Charlatan throws enough guesses against the wall, eventually some guesses will be right. He'll make you feel dumb for wondering what he's talking about, by saying that the clues are all in plain sight and the answers are self evident. He uses innuendo claiming that hanky-pinky is going on and that 'the great unwashed' (meaning you, the retail shareholder) are left out in the cold by a management feeding info to the big boys. He makes you think that he's on your side. Yes you, the little guy, Mr. Retail Shareholder. And he seems so friendly, like a British Mr. Rogers with battle stories from gas fields and airport bars around the world. And he's here doing all this work, just for you Mr. Retail, out of the goodness of his heart. Ho-Lee Faaauck!
Paid Swami has a paid opinion that has been paid for by someone that is not you, Mr. Retail.